Tank Trailer Control Module

Tank Trailer Control Module

Tank Trailer Control Monitor (TTCM) is a standalone tanker trailer security & monitoring system built specifically for the liquid food and chemical tanker trailer market.  From ground level, TTCM offers drivers single point access to select and set electronic locking seals for man lid and valve door access points. 

Once the seals are pneumatically engaged and electrically proven for all access points, a unique single seal number is generated for the entire vessel and registered in the TTCM cloud database.  All time and position stamped records are available via 3rd party API.

tank trailer control module - ttcm
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Continuous Location Tracking

What happens to your product after it is loaded and sealed for delivery?  TTCM continuously tracks location, seal status, and vessel wall temperature throughout the entire transport and delivery phases.  Using battery backup and a WAN gateway, TTCM alerts on unauthorized vessel opening and low temperature alarms, during transport or when stationery when the tractor is not coupled.  Receivers can view the shipment progress at any time, supporting tamper free confidence and product integrity.

Continuous Location Tracking
Geofencing capabilities

Geo-Fencing Technology

Utilize the Geo-fencing capabilities of TTCM and you can rest assured that your load will be delivered, secured and in tolerance, to the correct location every time. 


Driver Safety

Remain safely on the ground. No dangerous climbing, less hassles, no manual sealing


Shipment Integrity

Local and backend monitoring of seal status with automated record keeping. Locked and ‘proved’ security

realtime data monitoring

Realtime Shipment Monitoring

Load pairing and visibility of shipment with temp, geozone, and other alerts


Operational Convenience

No visual inspections required at seal location and no paper recordkeeping

TankTroniks is a low cost technology solution that will deliver safety and efficiency to your operation